Chicken Pathia

A restaurant chicken pathia is a dish of dreams. Medium hot, a little sweet and a little sour, it hits all the right notes, which makes it the perfect candidate for adapting into the best fakeaway. My healthy version of a classic pathia gives you the same satisfaction as a restaurant curry without all those extra calories from the ghee in which it’s cooked.

You can serve this curry with the accompaniments of your choice. I served it with some beautiful Pilau Cauliflower Rice. I simply popped the riced cauliflower on a heated greased baking tray, sprinkled it with Swartz Pilau seasoning and put in the oven on 180c for the last 10 minutes that the curry was cooking. This lovely 0 point rice alternative means you have enough points left over for a little naan if you fancy.

If you are having a dinner party, you can also make this curry as part of an Indian feast. I started my feast off with some 0 point Indian Onion Salad, Rathia (0% fat Greek yoghurt mixed with ¼ tsp mint sauce, ¼ cumin and juice of ½ lemon) and Mango Chutney with 1 poppadum per person.

I then served the curry as the main with some cauliflower rice, normal pilau rice for the non Weight Watchers (basmati rice cooked with chicken stock and pilau seasoning as in the picture above) and some of my lovely Saag Aloowhich goes with this curry perfectly.


Serves 4 – per serving= 1sp or 465 cals, 2.4g fat, 69.6g carbs, 44.1g protein

For the paste

4 garlic cloves, peeled and roughly chopped

Thumb size piece of ginger, peeled and roughly chopped

1 red chilli, roughly chopped

1 tsp each of ground coriander, paprika and ground turmeric

1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped

400g tin of chopped tomatoes

Low calorie cooking spray

For the curry

1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped

2 garlic cloves, peeled and finely chopped

2 pepper, deseeded and chopped into large chunks

Small piece of ginger, peeled and roughly chopped

1 tsp each of ground cumin and ground coriander

1 chicken stock cube made up with 300ml boiling water

½ tsp ground cinnamon

1 tsp cayenne pepper

Large pinch of chilli flakes (optional)

1 bay leaf

1 tbsp tomato puree

1 tbsp white wine vinegar

2 tsp sugar

1 tsp salt

600g chicken breasts, raw and cubed

15g fresh coriander, roughly chopped, reserving some to garnish

Juice of 1 lemon


  1. Begin by making the paste. Take a large frying pan, spray with low-calorie cooking spray and bring to a medium heat. Fry the garlic, ginger, chilli, ground coriander, paprika and turmeric for a minute or two to release the flavours, adding a little water to stop the mixture sticking to the pan. Then add the onion and fry for around 10 minutes until the onion is nice and soft.
  2. Add the tomatoes and 250ml water and then simmer on a low heat for half an hour. The paste should get thicker, with the water evaporating away. Once thickened, blend until smooth.
  3. While the paste is simmering in the first pan, spray another large pan with low-calorie cooking spray and fry the onion, garlic, peppers, ginger, ground cumin and coriander for 10 minutes until the onion is soft. Add a little water to stop the mixture sticking to the pan if necessary.
  4. Next, take the paste from the first pan and add to the second pan, then add the chicken stock, cinnamon, cayenne pepper, chilli flakes, bay leaf, tomato purée, white wine vinegar, sugar and salt to the second pan.
  5. Give everything a good mix to combine together and then add the raw chicken, covering in the sauce. Everything should now be in one pan.
  6. Pop the rice on to cook at this point.
  7. Simmer the sauce for 20 minutes until the chicken is cooked through and then add the fresh coriander and lemon juice. Stir and simmer for another 10 minutes until the curry has reduced and is thick and velvety. Garnish with the reserved coriander.

88 thoughts on “Chicken Pathia”

  • Hi Laura….is the receipe 1 tsp of coriander, 1tsp turmeric etc or is it 1 tsp of them mixed.

    • Thanks Laura for a great recipe, made Chicken Pathia tonight, delicious and only 2 SP. Brilliant. Next dish will be turkey burgers. Is there an easy option to print your recipes? I find it much easier to read paper than my tablet or phone. Camilla

      • So pleased you liked it! Not at the moment, you can copy and paste to a word doc. Hoping to have it added soon x

    • Hi Laura love the look of this but need to cook for 8 people tonight! should I double all the paste and sauce ingredients? In the past when I’ve increased the spices it’s sometimes been too hot but not sure with your recipe? Thanks

  • Hi Laura do you put the chicken in raw or do you brown it off first? Thanks xx

    • Hi Kirsty you put it into the sauce raw and it cooks in the sauce x

  • Tracey Scott says:

    I’ve just made this for tea tonight and it was delicious! My hubby is a chef and he said it was really good. ? xx

  • hi what a great recipe, i added some pineapple juice and a ring to my recipe near the end and it gave a Dansak taste to it.
    not sure what the points would be with that added?

    • What a great idea Justine, pineapple is 0sp so it wouldn’t add anything I wouldn’t have thought. Laura

  • Another amazing meal from you. It was easy to follow & make. Scrumptious.

  • Janet Brock says:

    Hi Laura
    Are the 2smart points without the chicken?

    • Hi Janet, no the 2sp includes the chicken. Laura 🙂

  • Hi Laura in the curry ingredients it says juice of a lemon and garlic but I can’t see where you add it to the recipe…I have just thrown itogether in the frying pan! Hope this is right just waiting for my chicken to cook I’m starving g smells so good! X

    • Oops, I’ve added those bits in, sorry Kirsty!Hope you liked it x

      • It was amazing! ! My husband is a massive pathia fan and he said it was gorgeous! Definitely going to be making this again! Your recipes have got me through a 2 stone weightless for my wedding and even now the wedding is over I’m still carrying on making your food…it’s so so nice! X

  • I have made this for tea tonight. The flavours are amazing. Well worth the effort. Thank you Laura

  • Janet Brock says:

    Myself and my husband are addicted to this recipe and it has really helped us on our weightloss. Thanks so much.

    • Ah that’s great to hear Janet, I love it as it totally gets rid of my craving for a takeaway!

  • Melanie Valentine says:

    Cooked this last night for me and my son it was fabulous. My son found it too hot for his taste buds so I will make his batch with out the chilli next time will definitely make again. I am now going to try the saag aloo and onion baj . we are both members of ww and I found your site through the magazine so from now I will be working my way through all your receipes they all look fabulous. thank you melanie x

    • So pleased you liked it Melanie – it is quite a hot one! Hope you like the saag aloo and onion bhaji 🙂

  • This curry is unbelievably delicious! Thank you so much for your website…you help many, many people x
    You were not joking when you said it tasted like it had been cooked in an Indian’s divine! X

    • So pleased you enjoyed it Carly, its one of my favs! Totally gets rid of any craving for a takeaway! x

      • Carly davies says:

        Hi Laura..

        I’m making your curry on Saturday evening for supper with friends but would like to use lamb instead of chicken. I will adjust the points but just wondered….would you change the chicken stock for lamb stock? Thank you so much! ,

        • Hi Carly, yep I would change for lamb stock and I think it would be delicious. I would also probably add a bag of spinach right at the end! Hope you enjoy x

  • Sally Holland says:

    Hi Laura, I’m planning on making this tomorrow, I can’t work out where you add the paste to the sauce? It say’s to make the paste, then the curry adding in the chicken, what do I do with the paste? Thanks 🙂 x

    • Hi Sally,

      You add the paste to the second saucepan after the onions have been cooking for around ten minutes 🙂

      Laura x

      • Sally Holland says:

        Thanks Laura, I wasn’t reading properly, I worked it out, and it was AMAZing! x

  • Just found this recipe and can’t wait to make it- can’t believe it is only 2spts! If I want to make it less spicy, do I just miss out the chillies? Thanks!

    • Hope you like it Sophie, yep you can just leave the chillies out if you don’t like them 🙂

  • I’ve put all the ingredients in my slow cooker for easy Friday night dinner for when I get home from work. My OH has just got home and says it smells amazing!

    • Hope you enjoyed it Debbie, I might have to give it a try in the slow cooker!

  • We all really enjoyed this recipe this evening. My husband said it was as close to a takeaway as you can get.

    • Ah so pleased you liked them, that’s exactly what I was going for 🙂

  • We made this recipe last night- absolutely amazing! We also made the onion bhaji (another SKS recipe) as a side and served with a half rice/ half cauli rice mix – felt like I was in an Indian restaurant and a serious treat but all for a total of 7sp! Crazy! Will be eating time and time again! Thanks so much for sharing!

    • So pleased you liked it Claire 🙂

  • Just had this meal – absolutely gorgeous!! So flavoursome. My husband said it was the best curry he has ever had! Will definitely be regular recipe in our house. Thank you!

    • So pleased you enjoyed it!!!

    • So pleased you enjoyed it Kizzi ?

  • Donna hyde says:

    I made this with my 12 year old son, he loved putting together all of the ingredients..and loved the meal when ready…well worth a try

    • Ah so pleased you both liked it Donna, great to get your son involved too!!

  • Amber Mitchell says:

    Hi Laura

    My husband made this for us last night and whilst time consuming, it was absolutely delicious. Thank you so much and please please please keep coming up with these fabulous low point recipes – they make losing weight so easy.

    • So pleased you enjoyed Amber!!

  • Caroline Paleschi says:

    Made this curry for supper on Tuesday …… OH and I went out for a few drinks ….. Returned to find half the chicken out of our curry was missing ? My girls are very fussy eaters (it couldn’t be them) or could it ?
    The answer is YES ??. Amazing recipe …. Thankyou again X

    • Haha I love this Caroline! Pleased it went down so well and hope you managed to get some in the end!

  • Hi Laura I’m going to make this tonight but got stewing beef as was going to make the madras. Would I put the beef in raw at the same stage as the chicken or brown if first? X

    • I would brown it first Kirsty! Hope you like it x

  • HI Laura,
    I’m looking at the salad and wondering what you mean by mint sauce and where would I get in in the grocery store? I’m new to the UK, from Canada, and it’s funny how many differences there are, especially when shopping!

    • Hi Sarah, mint sauce is something we Brits can buy in a jar and it usually would be drizzled over a Sunday roast or in Indian dips. It will be in a jar next to the gravy granules and other dressings most likely but if you ask in the shop they wills show you. It lasts in the fridge for ages x

  • Hi Laura
    Your recipe saved me tonight, my dinner was 1 of 2 halves, started as mushroom & chickpea curry from the latest WW mag, result was very bitter not great tasting at all, the ingredients were similar but not as comprehensive as yours so I started with WW & turned it into your Pathia adding 1 chicken breast… it was a taste sensation served with an unfolded flatbread smeared with garlic, Bertolli light , coriander salt & lemon mmm mmmm mmm!
    Thank you for saving my dinner (and my points balance) Amanda x

  • Hi Laura
    We absolutely loved this pathia, but when I added this recipe into my meals on my WW app it came out at 4sp.
    I checked again and the 800 grams of chicken required came out at 12sp then the sugar and tomato purée would add extra sp.
    I must say we have had 6 or 7 of your recipes and everyone has been a great success.
    I was running out of steam with my weight loss but you have motivated me to stick at it with your recipes.
    Well done??

    Hi Laura,
    Please ignore my comment regarding the points value of the chicken, I have just double checked and I have made a mistake saying it was 12 points.
    My apologies

    • No problem Denise, glad you got it sorted 🙂 hope you are well!

  • Thank you Laura, this was divine!!

  • Hi Laura, love this recipe so much! Was going to make this for a vegetarian dinner party on the wknd and wondered if you had any suggestions for tweaking this? Would you add anything more to make veg or just leave out the chicken?
    Thank you! Mish x

    • Hi Mish, I would add a couple of tins of chickpeas and extra peppers, onions and spinach !! You could also add tofu or quorn chicken if you wanted x

  • Would I be able to cook this in a slow cooker?

    • I can’t see why not Vicky!! Pop it in on high for 4 hours or low for 8. Just make sure the chicken is cooked through before eating. You might need to thicken it a little at the end x

  • Susan Lowe says:

    Hi Laura
    Happy new year ?
    Always make this recipe as it is so delicious ? I’ve converted to flex too And it is saying on my app that it is 3sp for whole portion and 1sp for individual portion when divided by 4. The points are 2 for the sugar and 1 for the chicken stock cube.just wanted to share with you.


    • Happy new year Sue!! Yes my app says the same, the recipe has been updated to reflect this, thank you for the heads up though!! 😀

      • Still so very worth it at those points ? delicious ?

  • Have made this for this evening along with your onion bhaji’s and is smelling fantastic. Just had a quick try and absolutely yummy. Can’t wait to try the next recipe.

    • Ah glad you enjoyed! 🙂

  • Tammy Maguire says:


    The recipe is a little confusing. You are talking about 2 pastes in the method. One with chicken stock and the other that we started off with. Can you tell me when I’m supposed to add the tomato based one?

  • Had tonight. Husband said the best curry I have made. I do try many recipes. He said I can make this one again. Well done you .I always recommend your app to others.

  • One of the best currys I’ve made and tastes like a first class restaurants

  • Judi McCafferty says:

    It’s really worth getting the Indian bay leaves for this, (Tej patta) they add a really authentic taste and smell wonderful.

  • Dawn Trundle says:

    Hi Sarah making this for the 1st time tonight wish me luck ? Only just realised that you had links to recipes can’t wait to try them all xx

  • Karen Entwistle says:

    Hi Laura !
    I am making this for a dinner party meal tomorrow. I can’t find your saag aloo receipe ?

  • Rachel Keighley says:

    I made this last weekend and absolutely loved it! My husband said it was better than an Indian takeaway. So tasty. I Will be making again this week but doubling up and freezing a couple of portions. Thanks for sharing the recipe!

  • Does the paste ingredients have to be blended to a smooth paste or left as it is?

    • Hi Linda, either is fine 🙂

  • Julie BELL says:

    Made this tonight and it was delicious will defo be making again thanks for sharing your recipe.

  • This is INCREDIBLE!
    Thank you SO much for sharing!
    Can’t wait to make it again!

    • So glad you enjoyed Louise!

  • Made this tonight and it was so lovely – so much flavour!

  • Nicola Brady says:

    Hi there,

    Just wondering if you could tell me where the 1sp comes from? Can’t suss it out!


    • It’s from the chicken stock cube and sugar x

  • Helen cliff says:

    Made this last night . As I’d never made curry sauce from scratch before I had to go and buy a lot of the ingredients but I’ve got them now ! It was a bit of a ‘faff’ to make but instructions were easy to follow . I decide to blend the paste before adding to the rest of ingredients . It tasted really good , even my husband liked it and said it was much better than a ‘jar’ sauce .

  • Lindsay Saddington says:

    Hi Laura
    Amazing! Thank you for all your lovely recipes. You should do a recipe book- I’d buy it xx

    • I’d love to Lindsay! X

  • Made this tonight for dinner
    Served with rice & mini naan
    Husband said it was best fakeaway I’ve made yet

    • Ah so glad you both enjoyed Lee!!

  • Hi Laura would this be free on purple?

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