Slimming Kitchen Tips

74 thoughts on “Slimming Kitchen Tips”

  • Have really enjoyed reading your blog and cannot wait to start cooking your recipes.

    • Thanks Sam, do let me know if you give anything a try x

      • Hi Laura,

        I got the details for this site in WW magazine. It is fantastic! This is my first week and I have found it a bit hard to find family friendly recipes and this site will really help me. I was using a lot of the ww ready meals this week which would not be healthy long term and without family recipes I wouldn’t stick
        At it.

        Thank you so much for all the work you have put into this. The indian fake away korai recipe
        Looks amazing (as does everything!) and looking forward to
        Trying this on Friday. I going to try spag Bol tomorrow. Tuesday is my first weigh after joining so wish me luck!:) is there anywhere to sign up to get info on new posts/recipes?

        Well done on your own weight loss – you look great in the magazine.

        • Hi Debbie, ah thanks so much for checking my website out and do let me know if you try anything. You can subscribe on the homepage which means you will get the recipes straight to your inbox and you can also follow my page on facebook so you will see straight away when I post a new recipe search ‘Laura’s Skinny Kitchen Secrets’. Good luck on your journey and keep in touch šŸ™‚ x

  • Love your blog Laura, have been back on weight watchers 3 weeks now and as I love to cook I’ve been consultantly leafing through my old ww magazines trying to find new ideas. Your recipes sound lovely, tasty yet simple and I can’t wait to give them a try.

    • Thanks Hayley! Let me know if you give any of them a try and good luck with your journey šŸ™‚ x

  • wow !!!!!! what a brilliant site. As a lapsed weight watcher, looking through your site has given me the incentive to start again. thanks

    • Thanks so much for the lovely comment and good luck!

  • Just made the Tuna and Red Onion Quiche. Oh my, it was delicious. I don’t know if it will freeze so I have tried freezing one quarter. Hope I haven’t wasted it. Will definitely be trying the Chorizio and Feta Quiche next.

  • Hello, amazing website, but in meat section (beef), when you click on Thai masuman, it brings up the recipe for the rendang. I love masuman (apologies for bad spelling). Anyway, well done again for creating such a lovely website. Can’t wait to try some of the recipes!

    • Hi Kirsty, thanks so much and thanks for pointing out the faulty link, its fixed now !! x

  • Jennie McDonald says:

    Hi Laura, well done on reaching/maintaining goal weight!! I’m back on the journey to reach goal (again). I have tried several of your recipes and all have been delicious! I wondered with winter looming if you will be posting any tasty slow cooker recipes. Many thanks Jennie x

    • Hi Jennie, ah thank you so much, so pleased you have been enjoying my recipes. I have a few on here at the mo but will certainly be posting more over the winter! Any special requests?

      • Jennie McDonald says:

        Thanks Laura, I have found the lamb slow cooked curry recipe and will be trying this (couldn’t find any other slow cooked recipes) . Looking for some recipes other than your normal sausage/beef stews -sorry not more specific. Also, I wondered if any of your current recipes could be cooked in slow cooker? Many thanks

        • Hi Jennie, no problem. My slow cooker is out of action at the mo but hope to be getting a new one soon! x

  • Just thank you so much for the lovely recipe ideas. I hit a massive 3 + 1/2 stone overweight (on a 5’2″ frame, so massive really!) due to my love of food, and as it was starting to affect my health I signed up to weight watchers, just over 9 weeks ago, and have dropped 13 pounds at a steady 1.5lbs a week.
    I always cook from scratch and love your ideas as they suit my tastes and the OH (who has lost 5lbs!) and I don’t feel as though we are on a diet! We have made a massive life style change for the better.
    You ideas are brilliant and have added a lot of spice to what could have been a very boring dinner time.
    I love your roasted vegetables with Harrisa (sp) and lamb chops – which have become a regular Sunday addition with the left over roasted veg going into a salad for Monday lunch!
    I dip into your recipe collection when I have a minute so that I can try or gain inspiration from them.
    With cooking Indian spices, the trick is to cook the onions in a little oil and then add the spices and turn up the heat and keep stirring so nothing burns, you will know when they are done as they will give out an amazing aroma and release the oil – then you know they are cooked perfectly – then continue with your recipe! Learnt from a fabulous 80 year old Pakistani lady with a passion for food!

    • Hi Maria, 13 pounds in 9 weeks is amazing, congratulations! Slow and steady is often best at it means you are changing your eating habits as you go. I’m so pleased you are enjoying my recipes, adding flavour is exactly what I hope to do so I’m happy to hear you enjoy that part! Thanks for the top re Indian spices šŸ™‚

  • Love your recipes! Have tried quite a few now and all have been delicicious. They have been easy to make. Thanks ?

  • Someone has left a post talking about a tuna and red onion quiche. This sounds delicious but I can only see a recipe for tuna and pesto quiche, is this the same to you think?

  • Katherine says:

    Hi Laura, I’ve just started weight watchers after being inspired by your blog. How do you divide your points out on each meal during an average day ? Also what about snacks and alcohol? Any advice welcome.

    • Hi Katherine, ah amazing, good luck with your journey. I get 30 points per day so I tend to have around 6 for brekkie, 8-10 for lunch and around 14 for dinner. I don’t tend to snack (other than on 0sp fruit and veg) but if I do it comes out of my daily allowance (so I might have a snack and then a lower propoint lunch or dinner). I save my weeklies and spend them on alcohol. Let me know how you find it and good luck.

  • Melting mozzarella meatballs are the best Laura! I’ve made them soooo many times (cos they are soooo delicious!). Have made them for friends coming for dinner and they really loved them too!!

    • Ah so glad you liked them Karen and thanks for letting me know. I love them too, they feel so indulgent but are the perfect healthy dinner šŸ™‚

  • Sarah Brown says:

    Just joined WW so am addicted to this site. Chorizo stuffed chicken will be the first recipe I try and the stuffed peppers look amazing.

    • Hope you like it Sarah, let me know what you think!

  • Absolutely love this blog! Thank you for your ideas and hard work!

  • Just reading the WW magazine and thought I would check your site out, it’s amazing! You should be very proud! Can’t wait to try out your recipes ?.

    • Ah thank you Sophie, do let me know if you try anything šŸ™‚

  • Sarah Ross says:

    I joined up to WW online on Monday, I love to cook but find searching for items on the website a little painful. I spent this morning reading the May edition of the WW magazine and found you – so pleased, I am already planning what we as a family can have, your recipes are fantastic, straightforward and contain ingredients that we have in. Thank you for Ć ll your hardwork setting this up. I feel so motivated at the moment – I know I can do this xx

    • Ah I hope you enjoy the recipes Sarah and good look with your journey šŸ™‚ x

  • I Joined WW online last Thursday and this afternoon subscribed for the magazine online, this is where I came across your blog and I’m so glad I did. I love how the photos are on the first page drawing you right in and the food looks delicious. Tonight I am going start inputting some of your meals in the recipe section of the app and then get cooking.
    Thanks for spending this time helping others. X

    • Ah thank you for your kind words Sharon, do let me know if you try anything x

  • Hi, just saw your info in the WW mag. Well done for, reaching target, keeping it off, and putting together this Blog šŸ™‚ Just trying to find the recipe for theZero Smart Points Veg curry you mention in the mag. Can you point me in the direction. Many thanks

    • Hi Lesley, ah thank you very much. I think the recipe you are refering too is the other blogger in the mag, Janey’s. The recipe is on her blog ‘Slice of Slim’ x

  • Angela Cooling says:

    As my husband & I eat different meals I was wondering if your recipes can be frozen x

    • Hi Angela, most of them can be frozen. If you let me know which one in particular I can let you know for sure x

  • Beth Satpleton says:

    Loving your Blog Laura &fdually working our way through your recipes! My favourites so far are the Chimichangs, Fish Tacos & Chicken Katsu Curry. I LOVE being able to eat all the foods I love & still lose weight!!!! x x x

    • Ah thank you Beth, I’m so please you are enjoying my recipes!! šŸ™‚

  • sharron moss says:

    hi Laura you are an inspiration, i have been with ww for 5 weeks and only lost 3 pounds as was ill for 1 week so put 1.5 on then stayed the same this week despite being on plan 100 percent so have felt a bit down, but going through your blog and recipes has give me hope as i was ready to quit, thank-you x

    • Hi Sharron, Thats so great to hear, good luck with your journey and do let me know if you make anything šŸ™‚

  • Katie Levers says:

    Hi Laura, did I read somewhere on a facebook post that you have / were going to bring out a recipe book. I’m not a Weightwatchers member but love your recipes and would love to have them together in a book. I looked on Amazon but couldn’t find anything. If you have written a book can you let me know what it’s called please. Sometimes a recipe in a book is easier to follow than on a device that ‘goes to sleep’ in the middle of the recipe.

    • Hi Katie, Unfortunately I don’t have a recipe book just yet, it is something that I would love to do though if the right opportunity came along šŸ™‚ If you have problems with your device going to sleep you can change the ‘sleep’ settings so that it stays on while you are cooking šŸ™‚

  • Claire Richardson says:

    Love this page!

  • Have really been struggling on the plan but have taken the afternoon to chill in the sunshine and check out your blog, inspired by all the delicious recipes and can’t wait to try them out.

    • Ah thank you Elaine, good luck with your journey and do let me know if you try anything šŸ™‚

  • Tina Bathmaker says:

    I wonder if you have thought about putting some “packed lunch” recipes for those who have to go to work, I am finding variety is hard to achieve! Any thoughts?

    • Hi Tina, I do have a ‘lunch’ section but its more salads and soups to take to work. I work full time too so tend to prepare my salads either at home or bring all the ingredients into the office and do it there. Check out my ‘lunches’ section and see if anything takes your fancy x

      • Tina Bathmaker says:

        Thank you for taking the time to reply, I am lucky enough to work in a place with a big fridge so I do bring in the makings of salad and then add variety – wafer thin ham, hard boiled egg, leftover chicken etc. I think it is going to be a new adventure for me to try some soups as I usually bring homemade soup to work in the winter BUT cream of tomato is not going to cut it anymore! So, I am looking forward to trying your soups. Finally, do you have any suggestions for tofu? I do like it, but, all my recipes involve breadcrumbs and frying. I am quite new to WW and wanted to reassure others that I only lost 1/2 lb in the first week, felt really down about it, however, second week 3lb, third week 5lb and this week 1 1/2lb – I think everyone is different and sometimes it takes a while before you really get in the swing of WW. I cut out the wine on the second week and I haven’t looked back, I am not doing it forever, but, I worked out it is easy to get home from work and open a bottle of wine while you are making the dinner and before you know it the bottle is empty, drinking becomes a habit not a treat.

  • Donna Jones says:

    Hi Laura

    Been a member of ww for over 12 months now , its been slow and steady with a few bumps along the way ! Only just found your blog today so hoping that these recipes will give me the push I need. Going to try one tonight !!

    • Hi Donna, ah great, do let me know if you try anything and best of luck on your continued journey this year šŸ™‚

  • Nicola Smith says:

    Hi, I’ve only just joined (New Year’s Resolution) and just wanted to check whether your recipes are pointed for the current smart points system? Not sure when the system changed?!

    Thank you

    • Hi Nicola, yep they are all pointed for the current smart points system ! Good luck on your journey and do let me know if you try anything šŸ™‚

  • Blimey! Where do I start?
    So many delicious sounding recipes. Tried the tuna quiche and Mexican slaw, both delicious. I’ll be attempting a few more over the coming weeks

    • So pleased you tried and enjoyed a few things from my site Chris. Do let me know if you try anything else x

  • Hi,
    Do you have any recipes for snacks which aren’t too naughty please?

  • Hello Laura

    I have just joined your site. I have 3stone to lose and I find it daunting. I find you inspiring and your blog is brilliant.

    I am going to focus on one week at a time.
    Thank you for such a brilliant website.and I cannnot wait to start trying your recipes

    • Thank you Maria and good luck! x

  • Vicky Rigg-Milner says:

    Hi Laura,

    I love your recipes and your site is fantastic! I’m not sure if it’s possible but could you put the SP of recipes on the pics or as a filter? Just would be great to help when looking for meal ideas to see SP at a glance without having to click into the full recipe if you are looking for a meal within a certain SP budget for that day.

    Keep up the good work!


    • Hi Vicky, if you pop the number of SP you are looking for i.e ‘8sp’ in the search bar, it will bring up all of the recipes of that value šŸ™‚

  • Hi Laura,

    Are you planning to change your recipes to flex points?

    Thanks xx

  • Carys Harland says:

    I made the Carrot Cakey Oats this morning and they were incredible! When dieting……its hard to think that something will actually taste like a cake….but it did! My boyfriends reaction was “i like carrot cake…i never knew”

    Chocolate Orange Baked Oats next!


    • Love this Carys, so pleased you both enjoyed! x

  • Hi Laura

    Love your recipes makes cooking healthy meals a pleasure. Crispy chilli beef is a particular favourite.

    Congratulations on your successful journey you are an inspiration!


  • Hi Laura
    Any ideas for camping, vegetarian meals?
    Thanks x

  • Hi Laura
    After trying a few of your recipes I have just spent a few hours printing out a whole folder to try.
    Are you going to be adding anything for Christmas?
    Thanks Lora x

  • I have always loved your recipes but love them even more now we are in lockdown . Made the paella and the fajita pasta this week and now we have found out our Chinese takeaway is closed Singapore vermicelli it is tonight. Thank you ever so much for the site it is a real inspiration and you can tell it is all tried and tested as the recipes are easy to follow and the results exceptional x

  • I have always loved your recipes but love them even more now we are in lockdown . Made the paella and the fajita pasta this week and now we have found out our Chinese takeaway is closed Singapore vermicelli it is tonight. Thank you ever so much for the site it is a real inspiration and you can tell it is all tried and tested as the recipes are easy to follow and the results exceptional x.

    • Ah thank you for leaving such a lovely comment Marie, I’m so pleased you are enjoying my recipes and do let me know if you try any more! x

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