Chicken and Pesto Boodles – 2sp

I think I may be a little bit addicted to veggie noodles, they are just so versatile! The real beauty is that they fill you whilst being 0sp. Whether you have a spiralizer or buy the pre spiralized stuff there are some really quick and easy ways to whip up a tasty and satisfying lunch/dinner.


This recipe is just one of these easy numbers that I whipped up using just the contents of my cupboard/fridge. It’s the perfect light dinner or lunch option as you get a decent portion for a really low amount of points.

I used coconut oil in this recipe as I think it gives the noodles a lovely flavour. If you want to omit it and use 1kal instead, use half the amount of parmesan and the dish is 1sp per person.

Chicken and Pesto Boodles

Serves 2 = 2sp each (Flex)


½ tsp coconut oil (optional)

330g chicken breast, raw, diced

½ tsp paprika and crushed chillies

2 garlic cloves, crushed

1 red pepper, sliced thinly

1 red  onion, finely sliced

1 x 300g pack of butternut squash noodles (I got mine in Sainsbury’s)

2 tsp green pesto

1 lemon, quartered

1 tbsp parmesan

Handful of fresh basil, chopped (optional)

Handful of spinach, chopped


Heat the coconut oil in a large frying pan, add the chicken, season with salt and pepper and add the paprika, crushed chillies and garlic. Fry for 6-8 minutes until the chicken is cooked through. Next add the butternut squash noodles, pepper and onion and fry for 5-6 minutes until the butternut squash starts to soften. Add the pesto and juice f half the lemon (and a few more crushed chillies if you like it spicy). Toss the pesto into the noodles to combine then add the basil, spinach and parmesan. Toss once again and fry for 1 minute until the spinach starts to wilt.

Pop into two bowls and finish with a little parmesan and ¼ lemon in each bowl.


4 thoughts on “Chicken and Pesto Boodles – 2sp”

  • Anne Moates says:

    Made this tonight and it was absolutely lovely. I made it in a wok as it’s a lot of veg until it cooks down a little. Will definitely make again. Thank you for this recipe.

    • So pleased you enjoyed Ann x

  • My favourite recipe of yours I’ve made so far, plenty more to try. Thank you for your amazing recipes ?

    • So glad you liked it!

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