Skinny Kitchen Takeover – Hannah’s Crossfitting, Batch Cooking and Moroccan Beef Stew (4sp)

Always keen to share the different ways people choose to keep themselves fit and healthy, tonight’s Skinny Kitchen Takeover comes to you courtesy of one lady who has some great ideas when it comes to both cooking and exercising.  Check out Hannah’s Skinny Kitchen Takeover below where she shares with you her tips on batch cooking and Crossfitting as well as one of her favourite healthy recipes. So without further ado…

Hannah Bakers Skinny Kitchen Takeover

Hi my name is Hannah and tonight Laura has asked me to share with you all my tips for staying both fit and healthy. I am a keen Crossfitter so my food has to be full of both good carbs and good protein in order to give me the energy I need in the gym. For anyone who doesn’t know, Crossfit is a mixture of weightlifting, conditioning and gymnastics designed to make you fit, fast and powerful and I love it. If you are looking for a new way to exercise and lose some weight give it a google. There will definitely be a box (Crossfit Gym) close to you and daunting as it may seem they are often extremely supportive and inclusive places to be.

Picture Credit: Hannah Baker

I maintain my weight through tracking my food intake through Myfitness Pal. This ensures that I’m getting the correct amount of carbs, proteins and fats to fuel my training for that day. I train most evenings and therefore preparation is key. Meals like my stew below are great as I know I have something healthy and nutritious to come home to after a hard session in the box.

Batch cooking is also a key way in which I keep myself fuelled with healthy and nutritious food. I prepare all of my food for the week on a Sunday and knowing I have made all my meals ensures that I’m not tempted to grab food on the go (usually not so good for you!)


Picture Credit: Hannah Baker

The recipe I haveincluded below is my new favourite, perfect for making on a lazy Sunday afternoon as it can bubble away whilst I lie on the sofa watching Netflix. It’s great as it can be easily frozen and reheated quickly throughout the week.

It makes four servings in total which I put into Tupperware and eat throughout the week. To re heat simply pop in the microwave for 2 minutes, stir and pop it back in for a further 2 minutes. Whilst you’re doing this boil a kettle and make some couscous (I have 50g dry) and add some fresh salad leaves to a plate. If you fancy, finish with a dollop of Greek yoghurt and a little more fresh coriander.


Picture Credit: Hannah Baker

Moroccan Beef Stew


Serves 4 = 4sp /586 calories per person (Flex)

For the spice rub

½ tbsp sea salt

1tbsp ras el hanout (or Shwartz Moroccan spice mix)

1/2 tbsp of ground cumin

1/2 tbsp ground cinnamon

1/2 tbsp sweet paprika

1 tsp ground ginger

For the stew

600g stewing beef, diced

1 tbsp plain flour

1 onion, sliced

2 peppers, deseeded and sliced

1 small bunch of fresh coriander, roughly chopped

1 x 240g tin of chick peas

1 x 400g tin of chopped tomatoes

800ml of veg stock (made with 1 stock cube)

1 butternut squash, peeled and cut into chunks

To accompany (be sure to add the extra points/calories)

200g cous cous (I used the kind you find in a packet that you simply pour boiling water over and leave)

4 tbsp fat free Greek Yoghurt


Mix all of the spice mix ingredients in a bowl and rub into the meat. Ideally leave to marinade over night to absorb the flavour.

Take a large pan and add ½ tbsp olive oil, heat and then once hot, add the beef and fry for around 5 minutes until the meat is nicely sealed. Add the flour, mix through so it coats the meat and fry for another minute.

Next add the onion, peppers and coriander and cook for a further 5 minutes.

Next add the chickpeas, tinned tomatoes and 400ml of stock and leave to simmer with the lid on for 1 ½ hours. Check occasionally and stir to make sure the meat isn’t sticking to the bottom of the pan.

Add the remainder of the stock and the butternut squash and cook for a further 1 ½  hours. Once the time is up check the consistency of the stew. If it’s too runny for your liking simmer with the lid off unit some of the liquid has bubbled off.

Serve with cous cous, fresh salad leaves and a dollop of Greek yoghurt.








11 thoughts on “Skinny Kitchen Takeover – Hannah’s Crossfitting, Batch Cooking and Moroccan Beef Stew (4sp)”

  • Can I just check please – “1tbp ground cumin, ground cinnamon…” – is this 1tsp of each, or 1 tbsp of each? I’m guessing at teaspoon 🙂
    Fantastic recipe, that’s tomorrow’s dinner sorted!

    • Hi! I’ve just updated the recipe as a typo had appeared, should be a bit more clear now 🙂 hope you enjoy!

  • Fab, thank you! The tagine is getting an airing tomorrow, I’ve just been waiting a decent recipe to put in it! 🙂

    • No problem, hope you enjoy and feel free to share a pic on my Facebook page if you take one 🙂

  • Gilly Thompson says:

    Looks great, could I just ask how much flour is required?

      • Gilly Thompson says:

        Thanks Laura, must read the recipe properly before I ask questions. Made this in the Aga was very delicious as are all of your recipes. Thank you.

  • Another one of your delicious recipes. I love the spice mix, gave this dish a wonderful flavour, spicy but not too hot. My husband is not supposed to eat chickpeas, so I substituted this with dried and fresh apricots and turned it into a tagine. The beef was beautifully tender as I cooked it in the slow cooker, and served it with boodles and green vegetables.

  • Marilyn Cunningham says:

    Another of your delicious recipes. The spice mix was very aromatic. My husband is not supposed to have chickpeas so I substituted them for a mixture of fresh and dried apricots to make it into a tagine. A slow cooker success.

  • Marilyn Cunningham says:

    I have tried to post a comment twice before without success so hope this will be third time lucky. I slow cooked this dish and it was delicious. The spice rub is aromatic without being too hot. My husband is not supposed to have chick peas so I substituted them for a mixture of fresh and dried apricots, making it more of a tagine.

    • So pleased you liked it Marilyn and sounds like some great substitutions ? not sure why your other comments didn’t work!! Xx

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