Mince Bites

I love a mince pie: they are one of my favourite treats of the festive season but, given the number of calories in a single one, they aren’t something I can indulge in as much as I’d like to. This low-calorie alternative is the perfect way to curb the craving. Crunchy on the outside, with a lovely delicate burst of flavour, these mince bites are really simple to make and use only a few ingredients – perfect to take along to a buffet to give yourself a low-calorie option for dessert.


Makes 24 bites – per bite = 5 points or 109 cals, 1.1g fat, 21.7g carbs, 1.1g protein


3 tsp light butter

1600g jar of mincemeat

6 sheets of filo pastry (U use a pack of Jus-Rol Filo Pastry)

1 tsp icing sugar

Low calorie cooking spray


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C (fan).
  2. Melt the butter in a small bowl.
  3. Put two sheets of pastry on top of each other and, using a knife, lightly score and cut the sheets into eight even squares.
  4. In the middle of each square, pop a heaped teaspoon of mincemeat, then, using a pastry brush, brush a little butter around the edge of each square.
  5. Fold the two opposite corners of each square in on the filling and then the two other corners. Bunch together to make a little parcel and pop them onto a lined baking tray.
  6. Repeat with the next two sheets of pastry and, once the parcels are complete, repeat again with the last two sheets of pastry.
  7. Spray with low-calorie cooking spray and pop in the oven for 10–12 minutes until golden. Finish with a dusting of icing sugar.

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