Chicken, Leek and Mushroom Pasta – 9sp

I love a nice quick and easy pasta and whack one together a regular occasion but sometimes its nice to have a change from the quick and easy tomatoey pasta sauce. This is a great recipe that my lovely mam created when she first started Weight Watchers a few years ago and it’s something I still make on a regular occasion. It’s lovely and creamy but nice and light at the same time and is lovely with a nice glass of white (careful to add the extra points !).



Serves 2 = 9sp (previously 11pp) per person

2 x 165g chicken breast, raw and cubed

1 x punnet of mushrooms, sliced

1 x Leek, finely sliced

1/2 x small tin of Bachelors low fat condensed chicken soup

1 – 2 tablespoons of wholegrain mustard

Black and white pepper

Crushed Chillis

120g penne/fusilli pasta, dry


Fry off your chicken in 1kal adding a little water when necessary. Once cooked (about 8 minutes) add your leek and mushrooms and cook for around 5 minutes. Then add your soup along with around a quarter of a tin of water (you may need more just don’t let it get to dry!). Add a good sprinkle of black and white pepper, salt and then add your mustard and stir well. Add more water if the sauce is too thick but be careful not to add to much as you don’t want it tasteless and watery! If you want it a little more chickeny, you can add the whole tin of soup and it makes the dish 12pp rather than 11pp. Turn down the heat, sprinkle in a few crushed chillis (to your taste) and simmer for around 5 minutes.

Meanwhile cook your pasta, drain and then add to your sauce, mix in and simmer for a further minute or two. Serve with few more crushed chillis on top if you fancy!


3 thoughts on “Chicken, Leek and Mushroom Pasta – 9sp”

  • Hi I was told about your blog by your auntie Margaret then found it in weight watchers book I like the sound of this recipe cause I am very fussy eater I don’t like spicy f hot food x

    • Hi Sharon, ah great, thanks so much for stopping by to leave a comment. Do let me know if you try anything x

  • This was delicious very filling. Really creamy and doesn’t taste like a diet recipe x

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