Tag: salad

Smoked Mackerel and Potato Salad in a Creamy Mustard Dressing – 10sp

Smoked Mackerel and Potato Salad in a Creamy Mustard Dressing – 10sp

Usually come six o’clock I am starving and looking forward to having a hearty meal for my tea but last night, both the Hubbie and I fancied something light and summery. Having a think about what we could have we both though a salad would 

Harissa Roast Salmon with a Fruity Cous Cous Salad – 8sp

Harissa Roast Salmon with a Fruity Cous Cous Salad – 8sp

When presented with the idea of making a three course meatless meal on Good Friday, I knew I was going to have to get creative in the kitchen and after doing a little research I came across this lovely little recipe online. I made a 

Lebanese Chicken, Feta and Lentil Salad – 3sp

Lebanese Chicken, Feta and Lentil Salad – 3sp

I have salad most days for my lunch at work and often try and whip up a salad to go with my main meal in an evening. As a result, I don’t want to get bored with the same old salad ingredients so this week I decided to mix things up a little and combine my two new discoveries: microwaveable lentils and Lebanese spice mix. I got my both from Tesco and whilst not overly cheap, the lentils serve 4 and the spice mix is a huge tin that will last for ages. I made this for me and my other half to have two days in a row for lunch. So good!

I don’t count roasted chicken breast on the new Flex plan so this recipe is 3sp per serving. If you do, it will be 4sp per serving.

Continue reading Lebanese Chicken, Feta and Lentil Salad – 3sp



Who doesn’t love a good KFC? I know I do but I never allow myself to have it anymore given how calorific it is. Not one to be told I can’t have anything, I decided to create my own. I’ve been experimenting with a few 

Basil, Mozzarella and Tomato Salad – 4sp

Basil, Mozzarella and Tomato Salad – 4sp

This little beauty is exactly what the title suggests. A salad which consists largely of basil, tomatoes and mozzarella. Whilst it may sound a bit dull or boring it is actually a delicious and fresh salad which is both low in propoints and so, so 

Chipotle Chicken and Serrano Ham Salad – 4sp

Chipotle Chicken and Serrano Ham Salad – 4sp

We’ve just moved offices at work so, where as I used to head to Eat for lunch on the go, the closet place to my desk these days is the lovely Pret-a-Manger. Now don’t get me wrong, I love the salads and soups in Pret. Even better, they pop all of the nutritional information on their website so you can work out the points too.

One of my favourite salads to pick up is the Chefs Chipotle Chicken Salad. At just 8sp it’s a real bargain points wise however not such a bargain on the old purse strings. Not only that, whilst tasty, its lacking all of the zero heroes which on Weight Watchers keep you full for the rest of the day and stop you snacking.

As a result, after analysing the contents of my salad, I decided to give it a go. The results were a real treat. I essentially had a salad for less points which was twice the size. Because I had made it myself, I even managed to sneak a few extras in too!

The best part of this salad for me is the salsa. After tasting Pret’s version I thought it wouldn’t harm to try and replicate it so I literally took a cheap pot of salad (hot salsa from Aldi) and added half a tsp of chipotle paste and voila! It was amazing, a total revelation and a lovely dressing which can be added to all kind of salads and dishes for 0sp!


Continue reading Chipotle Chicken and Serrano Ham Salad – 4sp

Harissa Roasted Vegetable Salad – Only 1sp

Harissa Roasted Vegetable Salad – Only 1sp

Apologies for the awful pictures but I realised half way through munching this that I had forgotten to take one! This was (half) of the lovely lunch I had today which was literally thrown together from the leftovers of last night’s dinner (Minted lamb chops 

Chorizo, Halloumi and Chickpea Salad with Roasted Vine Tomatoes –  7sp

Chorizo, Halloumi and Chickpea Salad with Roasted Vine Tomatoes – 7sp

This weekend I made a three course meal and, as we were having pasta for the main course (my lovely Venetian Duck Ragu recipe), I thought to avoid that overfull feeling, starting off with a light but tasty salad would be the way to go.