Tag: homecooking

Steamed Pork Buns (Char Sui Bao) – 5sp

Steamed Pork Buns (Char Sui Bao) – 5sp

I’ve had these lovely Chinese steamed buns so many times when I’ve eaten out and I’ve often wondered if I could make them Weight Watchers friendly. After craving them again this week I decided to give it a go and the result was a great 

Fiery Beef Madras – 2sp

Fiery Beef Madras – 2sp

One of my OH’s conditions for me getting my beautiful puppy was that we would have ‘curry Sundays’ which to be fair, we have mostly stuck too (with the exception of last night!). Last week, in an effort to keep things interesting, I whipped together 

Paprika Beef Casserole – 12sp

Paprika Beef Casserole – 12sp

We often buy beef for a change and I’m always stuck for something a bit different to do with it, so, as it was all defrosted and ready yesterday, we decided to try out one of my mam’s favourite recipes. She has made this as part of a three course meal as well as just a Sunday Lunch and it always goes down a storm so I was more than pleased when I worked out the points at only 12sp for the whole meal. You get a huge portion and it tastes amazing! It might take a while in the oven, but once its in there you can almost forget about it and come back when its ready!

Continue reading Paprika Beef Casserole – 12sp

Chorizo and Red Pepper Omelette – 9sp

Chorizo and Red Pepper Omelette – 9sp

I love a good omelette. Not only is it a great way to use up left overs but its also a really quick and easy lunch to put together, especially if you are trying to avoid bread! Omelettes are so versatile, you can add virtually