Tag: healthyrecipes

Tuna with Herby Gremolata and Giant Tomato Cous Cous – 6sp

Tuna with Herby Gremolata and Giant Tomato Cous Cous – 6sp

A good tuna steak is a real treat but not something we often eat in the house so this week, after having a real craving for it, I decided to pull together a new recipe which used this lovely fish with a few other fresh 

Korean Spaghetti Bolognese

Korean Spaghetti Bolognese

I was originally going to post this new recipe a little later in the year but after seeing how well my last Korean recipe went down, and knowing a few of you have already bought the gochujung paste, I thought I would bring this recipe 

Steamed Pork Buns (Char Sui Bao) – 5sp

Steamed Pork Buns (Char Sui Bao) – 5sp

I’ve had these lovely Chinese steamed buns so many times when I’ve eaten out and I’ve often wondered if I could make them Weight Watchers friendly. After craving them again this week I decided to give it a go and the result was a great success. My recipe below makes 12 buns which are 5sp each so you could either have 2 or 3 as a meal or serve as a starter and have 1 or 2 per person.

Continue reading Steamed Pork Buns (Char Sui Bao) – 5sp

Buffalo Chicken Taquitos – 12sp

Buffalo Chicken Taquitos – 12sp

A Taquito is something I had never tasted or even heard of before I went visited Mexico and since it has been a whole year since we jetted off, I thought it was time to come up with another recipe inspired by my time there. 

Salmon and Pea Pesto Pasta -9sp

Salmon and Pea Pesto Pasta -9sp

There is nothing better than a nice light pasta dish in the summer and one of the recent requests from one of my followers was a salmon pasta so…. ask and I shall deliver!! I decided to make a nice homemade pesto to go with 

Paprika Beef Casserole – 12sp

Paprika Beef Casserole – 12sp

We often buy beef for a change and I’m always stuck for something a bit different to do with it, so, as it was all defrosted and ready yesterday, we decided to try out one of my mam’s favourite recipes. She has made this as part of a three course meal as well as just a Sunday Lunch and it always goes down a storm so I was more than pleased when I worked out the points at only 12sp for the whole meal. You get a huge portion and it tastes amazing! It might take a while in the oven, but once its in there you can almost forget about it and come back when its ready!

Continue reading Paprika Beef Casserole – 12sp

Creamy Cider Mustard Pork with New Potatoes and Green Beans – 9sp

Creamy Cider Mustard Pork with New Potatoes and Green Beans – 9sp

Me and the OH love our pork at the moment so tonight, with the pork out the freezers and all defrosted, I fancied trying something new and easy. I opened my fridge to see what we had that I could use up and popped the 

Gorgeous Chinese Chicken Curry – Only 3sp

Gorgeous Chinese Chicken Curry – Only 3sp

My friend made a gorgeous curry for me one night while I was at uni (feels like a lifetime ago now!!) and when I later asked for the recipe,she couldn’t find it! The only thing she could remember were the spices that were in it. It 

Chorizo, Chickpea and Spinach Stew – 3sp

Chorizo, Chickpea and Spinach Stew – 3sp

I’m a little bit obsessed with chickpeas at the minute. They are quick to cook and so tasty so I’ve been experimenting with them in salad, stews and the like. Last night, after forgetting to defrost any meat, I thought I would try chickpeas in a stew with chorizo and this recipe was the result. It was so quick to make, absolutely delicious and a perfect ‘summery’ stew. I had it on its own but the OH had it with a little bit of quick cook fusilli. If you wanted to make it more substantial again, you could slice some new potatoes, par boil and then pop them into the stew just after you add the tomatoes or even just have some nice crusty bread (don’t forget to add the extra sp’s!).


Continue reading Chorizo, Chickpea and Spinach Stew – 3sp

Onion Bhaji’s – 0sp

Onion Bhaji’s – 0sp

My lovely auntie informed me of this amazing recipe from the Facebook page recipe binder yesterday and whilst I usually like to create or adapt recipes (as you will see from all my other posts haha) this one was rather delicious as it was. I