Bolognese Baked Gnocchi – 10sp

Bolognese Baked Gnocchi – 10sp

Batch cooking is a great way to prepare for the week ahead and, now I’m cooking for 4 adults on a daily basis, I’ve also found it’s the quickest way to also ‘prepare’ lunch for the next day. This recipe is a real quick and 

Chinese Spicy Orange Beef Stir Fry – 4sp

Chinese Spicy Orange Beef Stir Fry – 4sp

Some nights just call for a quick and easy tea which can be whacked together in less than half an hour. This dish is definitely one of those. The stir fry sauce itself is very simple but the finished result is so, so tasty, it 

Burger in a Bowl

Burger in a Bowl

My hubbie and I love a good burger but there are times when I get to the end of the day and fancy something just as indulgent  – without the breadyness of a bun. Sometimes I might replace the bun with a trusty thin but 

Korean Beef Bulgogi – 5sp

Korean Beef Bulgogi – 5sp

Beef Bulgogi is one of my favourite dishes to eat in a Korean restaurant and it’s been on my list of dishes to make Weight Watchers friendly for a good while now.  Since I always have Gochujang paste in my cupboards  (as the hubbie and I 

Bloody Mary Meatballs – 12sp

Bloody Mary Meatballs – 12sp

The hubbie and I love pasta so I’m always looking for new quick and easy pasta sauces to add to my repertoire. Whilst watching James Martin’s new cooking show this week (he is travelling around American making all sorts of amazing looking dishes), we both 

Drizzley Avocado Dip (for Steaks and Salads) – 1sp

Drizzley Avocado Dip (for Steaks and Salads) – 1sp

We often treat ourselves to a nice rump steak if we go for a big Aldi shop (they are such good value) and so I’m always looking at new, quick and easy sauces I can whip together to add to the finished dish. The sauce 

Steak, Brown Ale and Blue Stilton Pie

Steak, Brown Ale and Blue Stilton Pie

Much to my family’s disappointment, I’m just not a fan of Shepherd’s or Cottage Pie. Nothing to do with the taste or flavour, I just can’t handle the texture of mince with mashed potato for some reason! Keen to make a nice, wintery and warming 

Speedy Tomatoey Italian Meatballs – 6sp

Speedy Tomatoey Italian Meatballs – 6sp

Meatballs are one of my favourite go to quick and easy dinners as they take hardly any preparation and can be ready in under 15 minutes. These meatballs in particular are delicious with my other favourite at the moment, 0sp Butternut Squash Noodles, or Boodles 

Crispy Chilli Beef

Crispy Chilli Beef

Crispy Chilli Beef is something I love to eat so, after picking up some extra lean quick fry beef strips in the woopsies aisle of Sainsbury’s the other day, I thought it was about time I came up with my own healthy version of this 

Korean Spaghetti Bolognese

Korean Spaghetti Bolognese

I was originally going to post this new recipe a little later in the year but after seeing how well my last Korean recipe went down, and knowing a few of you have already bought the gochujung paste, I thought I would bring this recipe