Drizzley Avocado Dip (for Steaks and Salads) – 1sp

We often treat ourselves to a nice rump steak if we go for a big Aldi shop (they are such good value) and so I’m always looking at new, quick and easy sauces I can whip together to add to the finished dish.

The sauce was inspired by a dressing I had on a steak salad when visiting the ‘big smoke’. I got home and the next day set to work with my blender trying to work out what was in the dressing and how I could adapt it for us Weight Watchers.

The result was delicious. Low in points, packed with flavour and best of all, makes a big enough batch that you can use it for a few days after as a lovely salmon or chicken salad dressing. Just pop into some tupperware and keep in the fridge (it’s served cold – no cooking is required for the sauce!!)

My dish here (pictured above) was 11sp and consisted of:

  • 1 x rump steak, fat removed (200g – 4sp)
  • 1 x small sweet potato, baked (160g – 5sp)
  • 1 x corn on the cob, baked (0sp)
  • Drizzle of Avocado Steak Sauce (recipe below)(1sp)
  • Drizzle of light Soured Cream (1sp)
  • Sprinkle of paprika to finish

So give the sauce a go! You won’t be disappointed!!

Avocado Steak Sauce

Serves 6 – 1sp per serving (Flex)
100g ripe avocado flesh
2 spring onions, ends removed and roughly chopped
2 garlic cloves, peeled
1 inch piece of ginger, peeled
Large handful of coriander and parsley, roughly torn
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
Juice of 1 small lime
10 sliced pickled jalepenos
Large handful of spinach
Pinch of cayenne pepper
1 tbsp soured Cream
6 tbsp water
Sea salt, to taste
1. Blend everything except water.
2. Add water as it’s blending until you get it to a loose drizzleable consistency.
3. Serve cold drizzled over whatever you fancy!

5 thoughts on “Drizzley Avocado Dip (for Steaks and Salads) – 1sp”

    • So glad you like it Sheridan! ?

  • Wow, this sauce is packed with flavour and super spicy. I added some plain yogurt to mine to make it a little milder but my husband loved the spicier version.
    Thanks so much!

    • So glad you liked it Ruth x

    • So glad you both enjoyed it Ruth!

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