Spicy Chicken Alfredo – 8sp

Spicy Chicken Alfredo – 8sp

My sister has been asking me to make my own version of this classic Italian dish for a while now and so this week I finally got around to it. Haven eaten it many times when out myself I knew how it should taste and 

Smoked Bacon, Kale and Gorgonzola Pasta – 13sp

Smoked Bacon, Kale and Gorgonzola Pasta – 13sp

I have had a few requests for a healthy and tasty carbonara recipe so I thought it was about time I obliged! Now I’m not the biggest fan of carbonara as I find it rather carb heavy and plain so I decided to pump up 

Gorgeous Green Fusilli with Bacon

Gorgeous Green Fusilli with Bacon

This delight of a dish involves hardly any cooking and the sauce  is so quick and easy (it takes around the same length of time to prepare as the pasta takes to cook). This is one of my favourite recipes as usually when you are trying to find 

Spinach, Ricotta and Chorizo Cannelloni – 13sp

Spinach, Ricotta and Chorizo Cannelloni – 13sp

I love a good meal in an Italian restaurant and there’s nothing better than some oozing, cheesy cannelloni however its always off the cards these days as it is just no good for the old waistline.  That’s why this week I decided to try and 

Chicken, Leek and Mushroom Pasta – 9sp

Chicken, Leek and Mushroom Pasta – 9sp

I love a nice quick and easy pasta and whack one together a regular occasion but sometimes its nice to have a change from the quick and easy tomatoey pasta sauce. This is a great recipe that my lovely mam created when she first started 

Hunter Sausage Bake

Hunter Sausage Bake

I always head down the ‘world foods’ aisle in my local supermarket whenever I’m in need of a spice refill (you get twice as much for half the price just one aisle away from all the regular supermarket range!) Many a time I’ve walked down 

Venison Meatballs in a Red Wine Ragu Sauce – 6sp

Venison Meatballs in a Red Wine Ragu Sauce – 6sp

I noticed that Aldi had started selling some lovely venison meatballs a while ago and for only 40kal a meatball, I knew I had to give them a go! The venison is a lovely different flavour, and the ragu sauce, which usually would take hours 

Spaghetti Bolognese – 5sp

Spaghetti Bolognese – 5sp

I love a nice, quick and easy spaghetti bolognese and I’ve been making this one for a good while now. It’s a recipe which, I think, is unaffected by the fact I am on a diet as I’ve never used anything too bad in there. 

Smoky Bacon, Tomato and Chilli Pasta – 12sp

Smoky Bacon, Tomato and Chilli Pasta – 12sp

The OH loves a nice bacon sandwich at the weekend and there always seems to be a few rashers left over after so this weekend I thought I would whip up something with the left overs. A hearty pasta dish on a Sunday evening always 

Pea and Ham Orzo – 14sp

Pea and Ham Orzo – 14sp

I’ve seen orzo kicking about in the shops for a while now and really fancied giving it a go. After doing a bit of research I came across this Jaime Oliver recipe which looked delicious so I thought before I went ahead with my own